35. Try Melted Crayon Art

I’ve seen this done many times before and I know it’s not an original type of art, but who wouldn’t want to try melting a bunch of crayons over stretched canvas? Well that didn’t sound as exciting as I thought it would but I get excited thinking about it.

To be completely original, I didn’t just want to melt a rainbow of crayons or put a couple with an umbrella underneath as is quite popular if you type in Melted Crayon Art in Google. This idea came to me spontaneously when I thought of something I don’t believe anyone has ever done before. I love Dexter and Dexter loves blood. Oh, Dexter! Meet melting red crayons!

I decided that I would lay out all the red crayons I own because I have a box of old crayons. I used colours like scarlet, red, and red violet. Since many of the crayons were old, used, and missing their wrappers, I decided to unwrap all of them and lay them out according to size. I was debating with myself on what I should do next. Which part of Dexter’s face should I cut out? Do I glue it? Tape it? Sticky tack it? Yes, I did start out with sticky-tack but I soon realized that was not going to work. I decided to glue the highlighted parts of his face and leave the crayons to ooze over the shadows of the portrait. I set up my station and set out to work. I used my blow-dryer and the crayons started to melt much faster than I had anticipated. Then the crayons started oozing under the paper. In the end, I was happy with the work because all I had to do was peel away the paper and paint over the face with white acrylic paint. I like the texture the crayons gave the face and it turned out much better than I thought it would. It’s pretty morbid to have a portrait of a serial-killer covered with blood staring at you in your room, but it doesn’t faze me. Honestly, I’d love to meet Dexter but this is close enough.

Here’s a link to my art work on DeviantArt: http://lilmaggie429.deviantart.com/art/The-Dark-Passenger-397174426

The piece is called The Dark Passenger and it belongs to me, Magdalena Kapron.


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The finished product

The Dark Passenger By Magdalena Kapron. 2013


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